Thursday, 11 April 2013

Data Collection

This project was data collection and I decided to go through a Vogue magazine and document the chance of coming across an ad versus an actual article with content. It was pretty scary. You had a 65% chance of hitting, not just an ad, but a fashion ad. I had images changing every second on the left, advertiser names flashing all over the right side and when you clicked it would give you a new statistic with a sphere in accordance with the amount of chance.

"A Place that Exists Only in Your Own Mind"

This is a screen shot of my last Processing project. I'm still trying to figure out how to put a Processing sketch online, but here's a glimpse of it. I was focusing on the idea of where your mind goes when you listen to music, and the concept of synesthesia. The first level is actual music, then it transmits to colors and numbers. My professor liked it so much he's using it as an example for next term!